Finding the Right People in Business

Finding the Right People in Business

Over half of industrial goods companies believe that expanding their business network is vital to their success. It is critical to have a strong business network in industries like manufacturing, where finding the proper people can mean the difference between success and failure. Let us show you how to locate the proper individuals and create a strong business network that will continue to expand for years to come.

Step 1 - Pick the Right Venue

Online and offline, there are numerous ways to meet new individuals. Look for groups that have members with similar interests to yours and who can introduce you to others. Offline, consider joining a chamber of commerce, a trade association, or another local business organization. Online communities like Connectter can help you swiftly extend your network once you know who to connect with.

Step 2  - Talk to Strangers

You'll have to reach out to strangers if you don't already have ties in the industrial business. In-person cold outreach works best. To begin expanding your business network, look for trader groups or local organizations that are dedicated to industrial items.

Once you've made a few strong contacts, you may start asking for referrals or recommendations on who you should connect with next to further your career. Growing your company network online is significantly more efficient when you start with a friendly introduction.

Step 3 - Lead with Value

Human nature dictates that we are more likely to assist a friend than a complete stranger. To get a new friendship off to a good start, set an example of value-based leadership. The ways in which you provide value to your business network are as diverse as the people in your network. You may be able to give your contacts useful knowledge, a new perspective on an issue in the industrial goods sector, or information on time and money-saving procedures you employ.

Another sometimes neglected technique to give value to someone with years of expertise in the industrial company is to solicit their counsel, adopt their recommendations, and then monitor the results. These seasoned contacts feel appreciated because their expertise aided you and resulted in a favorable outcome.

Step 4 - Ask Questions and Listen

The ability to ask insightful questions and carefully listen to the responses is critical for establishing new business relationships and potential customers. It's as simple as asking individuals about themselves and their business and then carefully listening to their responses. You'll immediately discover areas of agreement that you can bring up in conversation.

Step 5 - Aim for a Genuine Connection

We have all seen individuals who say all the correct things in order to expand their business network but come off as phony and absolutely false. They are more concerned with what they can gain from the connection than with what they can provide. If you want to develop a strong industrial business network that will benefit you for years to come, it's critical to establish genuine connections. This may imply that you are unable to connect with some of the most powerful people in your local industrial community because they are not a suitable fit for you.

Additionally, it involves focusing on developing an honest connection with executives who align with your business approach. Be candid and open about how you can assist them and what you require assistance with. Generally, you will be pleasantly surprised by the outcome. Additionally, if you adopt a long-term view, you'll discover chances and rewards down the line that you wouldn't have considered today. If you establish a genuine connection, you will be at the top of their priority list when the next great chance arises.

Step 6 - Quality over Quantity

Certain individuals believe wrongly that developing a strong business network is simply a matter of collecting the most business cards. While a fishbowl is great at gathering business cards, it lacks the industrial industry's world-class network. If you completed step one correctly, you now understand who is a good fit for you and to whom you can bring value.

This is a critical step for international events. If a hundred people attend an event, your objective is not to speak with each one for two minutes and pass out your business card. Your objective should be to make contact with a few people who can assist you or who can assist you.

Step 7 - Follow-up with Value

This is the most common error beginners make while establishing a business network. You've identified a critical contact, demonstrated value, and established an authentic connection. What happens now? Numerous people make the error of waiting until they are in need of something before contacting their business network. As with gardening, developing your network entails providing value.

How frequently should follow-up be conducted? We advocate following up to give value on an average of every three to six months, unless there is anything time-sensitive or really pertinent to them. You might take this a step further by stating your top two choices. Inquire as to which one they would choose and why. This saves your contacts considerable time by not having to write a lengthy explanation of what you already know.


We demonstrated how to identify your ideal business network, how to lead with value, how to establish authentic relationships, and how to follow-up with value.

Additionally, we illustrated how to avoid a few of the most prevalent errors. To begin, avoid squandering your energy and that of others by attempting to accumulate the most business cards. Second, avoid waiting until you are in need of something to contact your network.

Follow the seven-step procedure shown above and you'll quickly build a solid business network in the industrial products market.


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